The tutorial moves on to introduce the Java Native Interface ( JNI), which is the technology of interest when working with the NDK. 随后,本教程介绍了Java本地接口(JNI),这是使用NDK时您会感兴趣的一种技术。
This tool either applies native code compilation to all methods of all classes in a JAR file or applies it selectively to the methods of interest. 该工具对JAR文件中所有类的所有方法应用本地代码编译,也可以选择性地对需要的方法应用本地代码编译。
Yvonne: Native speakers make use of linking words as well as various sounds to keep a conversation going and to show interest in what someone is saying. 母语为英语的人会会像用连词一样用不同的声音来把谈话进行下去或是对正在谈论的东西表示兴趣盎然。
The third part is the pivot, being dead against the lacuna of the native economic public interest litigation system, the article brings forward countermeasure and advice, after reviewing the successful legislation and practice in foreign countries. 第三部分,这是全文的重点,针对我国经济公益诉讼制度缺失的现状,在借鉴外国成功立法和实践经验的基础上,提出完善我国构建经济公益诉讼制度的对策建议。
As to whether the instruction of native culture plays an important role in ELT, the author puts forward a hypothesis that applying the teaching material about native culture in ELT can promote English learners 'learning interest and second language acquisition. 针对母语文化教学在英语教学中是否可以起到重要作用,作者提出一个设想:在英语教学中运用学习者的母语文化方面的教学材料能够促进学习者的学习兴趣和英语阅读与口头表达能力。
This paper simply surveyed the theory of term structure of interest rates and commented native and foreign models of term structure of interest rates. 本文简要地阐述了利率期限结构理论,并对国内外的有关利率期限结构的模型进行了评述。
The Shanghai Native Bankers'Association took promotes public interest and rectified fault of the same business as an objective, devoted working out the trade gauge, maintaining professional benefit and the credit, reforming native banking to many noticeable results. 上海钱业公会以增进同业公共利益及矫正同业弊害为宗旨,在订立业规、维护行业利益和信用、致力钱业的改革方面作出了不少引人注目的成绩。
The deep native consciousness and aesthetic interest as well as the forms of natural beauty are all what the writer pursued and displayed. 民族的深层意识和审美情趣,美的物哀色彩,美的幽玄理念,具有自然美的形式,这是作家对古典美的追求和对民族文化的展示。
On the basis of native models of term structure of interest rates, depending on the current data, we analyzed the developing trend of yield curve of treasury notes of China and brought forward a forecasting model. 在国内的国债利率期限结构模型的基础上,根据现有的数据,分析了我国国债利率期限结构曲线的变动趋势并提出了预测模型。
Therefore, the English teachers at that level have been confronted with a realistic problem of how to make use of children's existing knowledge of native language, to protect their need of expression and to raise their interest in learning English. 如何发挥小学生现有的汉语认知水平,保护他们的语言表达需求,提高英语学习的兴趣是摆在小学英语教师面前的一个重要课题。
Therefore, whether applying teaching materials of the native culture in ELT can promote learners 'English learning interest and improve second language acquisition ( SLA) is the focus of this study. 鉴于此,在英语教学中应用母语文化教学材料是否能帮助职校生提高英语学习兴趣和促进其第二语言习得就成为作者关注的焦点。
Its means when domestic interest rate is less than a foreign country, in order to seek higher returns, investors will transfer their capital from native to abroad to obtain profit caused by different interest rates. 利率平价理论基本思想是,当本国利率低于外国时,投资者为获得较高收益,会将其资本从本国转移到外国,以套取利息差额。
His music had broken the world, the nation, the region, the race boundary, made the Chinese native place music around the world to arouse the enormous interest. 他的音乐打破了世界、民族、地域、种族的界限,使中国本土音乐在世界范围内引起了极大的关注。
To avoid double taxation. Can not the native residents from financial derivatives transactions taking profit collection, but, withholding income tax on the interest or dividends has been converted to the actual benefits of withholding income tax shall be levied. 为避免重复征税,可以不对非本国居民从金融衍生工具交易中取得的收益征收预提所得税,但是,已转化为利息或股息的实际收益部分应征收预提所得税。